I scrapped a page!

I adore this photo of Jo I took in June. the layout uses a new kit - Hitched by Robin Carlton and Kay Miller at SSD. to get the rest of the credit click on the layout.
We have been having a very lazy summer but enjoying it. We have gone to the Zoo a few times, gone swimming and to the park. Played with friends. On friday is the Pool party at our townhouses - that will be fun. Next week is Seth's 8th Birthday - Wow how did he get so big? We are going to have a little party at the park for him. We are starting to get our activities planned for Fall - school in Sept, Youth group will start for Tim then too, Brownies and Junior Girl Scouts for the 2 girls (and Me, the Brownie leader) , not sure what Seth will be doing yet. Tim may be playing soccer and the younger 3 will be doing a science homeschool group with friends. Busy time of year. I think I really need to enjoy this last month of summer.